Saturday, October 17, 2009

Twinkle Twinkle Little star - Guitar

The first time while trying this i thought that it is
difficult, but once you are able to remember the
exact location of the letters and the corresponding
fingers for it, it is a smooth ride :-) .

Here is the Musical Notes for Twinkle Twinkle star using guitar.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

KSRTC vs SETC booking concessions :-)

It is diwali time and whole India would be returning to home :-) There would be lot of buses in pipeline to meet the demands for the chennai-bangalore commuters. No wonder, the cost of the private bus tickets would be rocketing up like a diwali rocket !

Ok, Lemme come to the SETC vs KSRTC review. It is about the concessions provided for the customers. I browsed through their website and found some interesting stuff about travel concessions that many would not be aware .

Group Booking discount
Return Journey discount
Free travel in City Services
Monthly passes
Weekly Freedom tickets
Daily ticket
Suvarna Karnataka tickets
Reference -> ,

Concessional Annual Ticket Scheme
Weekly Travel Card Scheme
Travel Regularly and earn an addiitional (free) trip scheme
Monthly Season Tickets
Travel as you Please Tickets
- Daily - Weekly - Monthly
Reference ->

I find that SETC provides more beneficial concessions compared to KSRTC and is very very attractive. SETC schemes are targeted at the real possible scenarios.

While browsing these websites, i find that SETC website needs improvement on various fronts like Design and Speed . The SETC Online booking facitlity is still not up.

The competition is going tougher and tougher between these two bus services, but it is a healthy competition as there is tremendous improvement in the customer services from both of these bus services. It is good to see such healthy competition !

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A room full of Diamond Vanishes

Hey, today i returned earlier. While flipping through the channels, i stopped in Star Movies to watch an English Movie. I will give you a clue for you to guess the movie in the form of a small movie review :-) All the Best !

This movie is full of mixed emotions & ambitions. It revolves around an unmarried lady living just for her career , but never got promoted & an old guy who lost his wife to cancer 15 years back. Both are working for the worlds largest diamond company in London . The lady is angry with the company as she has been denied promotions many times. The old guy is angry with the life insurance company that delayed money transfer with lot of clauses which inturn had been the main reason for his wife's defeat to cancer. Both join together to take revenge against their enemies. The interesting point is the link between the diamond company and the insurance company. Old guy's tactic to make the insurance company pay a huge amount to the diamond company is very thoughtful . The funny part is that the lady never thought that the entire room would be empty and company would be losing almost its entire business such that her job would be at stake.

Were you able to guess it ? Yes, it is 'FLAWLESS'. The movie is fantastic and deserves credit for demonstrating various scenarios that has to be taken care in this modern world - the various wrong things that a person will do while he/she is angry over somone, the problems that can occur if someone loses a loved ones due to unwanted reasons, problems that can occur due to an unsatisfied employee and problems that can occur if one is always behind money. This movie is told as a flashback just like 'Godzilla'.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Analyzing middle game chess

I came across . It is simply fantastic for analyzing a position in chess. We just need to feed it with the position that we desire to analyze and it does a good analysis.

Computer analysis is not suggested for beginners as they have to think hard instead of depending on computer for analysis. Once you are well built in chess, you can try computer based analysis.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fully Qualified Domain Name

I came across the term FQDN. It is also called as the absolute domain name.

Given a device with a local hostname 'myhost' and a parent domain name '', the fully qualified domain name is written like this:
The FQDN therefore uniquely identifies the device, while there may be many hosts in the world called myhost, there can only be one

Reference ->

DNS Server and DNS Resolver

DNS Server is looked into for resolving the DNS and the IP address and to forward the message to the particular DNS. In short, the DNS server acts as a database having the IP address and the Domain Names.

DNS client side is called as DNS resolver that is responsible for initating and sequencing the query so that the Domain Name gets mapped with the corresponding IP address. A DNS query may be either a non-recursive query or a recursive query.

Maniac in Car

Today, i happened to see another English movie. I think, it is very easy for you to guess the movie . Lemme tell you the clue in the form of Movie review .

It is a frightening movie about a physcopath in a car. It is so terrible. It is about a Man(Lunatic) calling himself as 'Stuntman Mike' - physcopath. His car has been used for stunts in movies and passenger seat in it is too horrible. He terms his car as death-proof . He follows some girls and joins them for beer in a highway restaurant who are unaware of his maniac character. While leaving to house, he smashes their car causing a head-on crash with his car. This physcopath survives as his car is death-proof for the driver, but all the girls in the other car get killed. He escapes from the eyes of the Law. After few years, he tries the same with another set of girls. But, this gang has stunt performers who really take him and give him a fitting reply in a terrific car chase.

I think, you would have guessed it correctly. Yes, it is 'Death Proof'. The movie is about a maniac driving a car . It is frightening. I wonder how such movies are thought of & directed. It looks to be a different movie and fits into the physcopath category.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Transports himself to anywhere on Earth :-)

Today i watched an English Movie in Star Movies. Try to guess the movie from the brief narration that i am providing to you :-). Here is the movie review .
While giving a gift to his crush, he almost drowns and discovers that he can go instantaneously to anyplace on earth and avoid/escape from the disaster/danger. He takes lot of photos and uses them to go to his desired places by looking/thinking about the place. He discovers that there has been a fight going on between the guys who transport themselves to any place and the paladins. Paladins are always after killing the guys who transport themselves to any part of the Earth. He robs bank and lives a luxurious life and the story takes a new twist when he goes for his school crush. Uses this trick to take his crush to Rome. Later, realises through one of his friend of same skill, that his family and friends are in risk. He rushes to save everyone and finally gets transported to unknown location to live peacefully :-)

Hope you were able to guess it. Yes, it is 'JUMPER'. The use of technology is excellent and i appreciate the graphics. It has some scenes as in the 'Matrix' movie but not in the exact same fashion. But, i find the story to be very weak. It looks to be an ordinary movie but with some visual effects. Heard that 'Jumper 2' is about to be released in 2011. Hope it has a strong story & much more !

Router Discovery Messages

The router discovery messages enable hosts to discover the existence of neighboring routers, but not which router is best to reach a particular destination. If a host chooses a poor first-hop router for a particular destination, it should receive an ICMP Redirect from that router, identifying a better one. These messages do not constitute a routing protocol.

Friday, October 2, 2009


Scientists still continue research on finding how man evolved. They have recently discovered 'Ardipithecus ramidus', nicknamed "Ardi". Ardi is closer to humans than chimps. Scientists list down lot of features & justifications that qualify it to be more near to the humans. It has been discovered in Ethiopia.

Walk -> Lurching side to side, due to lack of an arch in its feet, a feature of later hominids.

Feet -> Monkey-like feet, with opposable toes, but its feet were not flexible enough to grab onto vines or tree trunks like many monkeys -- rather they were good enough to provide extra support during quick walks along tree branches -- called palm walking.

Living Place -> Most of Ardi's time was spent upright on the ground.

More Human-Like -> Long dexterous fingers . Wrists were also more flexible than apes and these helped it to catch things on the ground and carry objects. (More near to Human :-) )

Reference ->

Bughouse Chess

Bughouse / Siamese Chess is played with two teams of two, using two chess sets. Each player in the team plays a different color than their partner.

The game is usually played at a fast time control(blitz). This speed, together with the passing and dropping of pieces, can make the game look chaotic and random to the casual onlooker and hence the name bughouse, which is slang for mental hospital.

A player can pass every enemy piece that he captures to his partner, who is allowed to drop the piece in any of the unoccupied space on the board creating new attacks in the game. It seems that there is some exception with that of pawns as they can be dropped only within the middle 6 rows.

The goal is to checkmate either of your opponents, gaining the win for your team.

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