Friday, October 2, 2009


Scientists still continue research on finding how man evolved. They have recently discovered 'Ardipithecus ramidus', nicknamed "Ardi". Ardi is closer to humans than chimps. Scientists list down lot of features & justifications that qualify it to be more near to the humans. It has been discovered in Ethiopia.

Walk -> Lurching side to side, due to lack of an arch in its feet, a feature of later hominids.

Feet -> Monkey-like feet, with opposable toes, but its feet were not flexible enough to grab onto vines or tree trunks like many monkeys -- rather they were good enough to provide extra support during quick walks along tree branches -- called palm walking.

Living Place -> Most of Ardi's time was spent upright on the ground.

More Human-Like -> Long dexterous fingers . Wrists were also more flexible than apes and these helped it to catch things on the ground and carry objects. (More near to Human :-) )

Reference ->

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