Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Long Long ago, there was a boy who drew lot of cartoons and filled many notebooks. He intially drew a Sun rising between 2 mountains. He learnt initially from his mother. Later he g(d)rew a Coconut tree near mountains with a House beside the river bed with boat. His trademark was 4 people with round head & stick-like legs/hands will be present in most of his drawings & 4 birds will be flying over the house/trees. Initially, to develop his drawing skill, knowingly/unknowingly he was trying to replicate some drawings/personalities . Later he started to draw real stuffs & tried to get perfection . His father identified his interests and joined him & his brother to Painting & Swimming course during the summer vacation. There he learnt to use brush, mix colors & did painting on charts. It enabled his transition from his notebooks to charts. If i could remember correctly, his first chart painting was a 'Pot with shadow on the floor'. He started to make his own greetings cards based on chart with his painting . But, once he joined college he did rarely look back into painting. Now, he is looking forward to start his favourite activity of painting ! That boy currently finished typing this tiny post :-)

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