Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bedtime stories become True :-)

Recently, i saw an English Movie . I would like you to guess it from the review .

Well, it starts by a man narrating his own story of running a hotel along with his two kids. One of the kid is very smart and his ideas are awesome. The hotel in debt is sold to another guy who enters into an agreement that if that kid works continuously and grows enough, that kid would be the owner of the hotel. Days pass by and the kid grows up, the hotel multiplies in size, customers too multiply, but the kid is still working(Adam Sandler). The owner did not select him by default to run the hotel :-( One day, he does baby-sitting to help his sister. This being his first experience with kids, he converts the daily happenings into a story and conveys it to the kids. The kids add few twists and give some reasonable suggestions to the bedtime stories. To his surprise, he finds that the next day the things that were told by the kids in bedtime story happen true :-). Adam tries to use this trick to get his hotel that he has deserved for a very long time as per the agreement. The stories are mix of various ages of history :-)

Were you able to guess it ? yup, it is 'Bedtime Stories'. Though the basic idea seems to be that of a kid's/family movie. The events are not clearly inter-woven and it may not be pleasing to the kids too. It appears as a very very normal movie :-)

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