Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bowling in Chennai - Down Under Fun

Yesterday, we visited the 'Down Under Fun' bowling in Chennai (Marshalls Road, Dugar Tower). We started from Kodambakkam and reached Marshalls road in 20 minutes by bike. We did not find any big board signs / lighted-setups for the spot and we were puzzled about its presence in Marshalls Road, but we could feel the bowling environment as soon as we found few young people coming out in an ecstasic mood :-) The bowling center was located in the basement. It has 4 lanes only, but a good place to hang around & enjoy! It has 5 to 8 computer game machines and 3 billiard / snooker boards too. We need to remove the shoes and there is no special shoes to wear while playing. I was initially having my socks on my foot, but it was not very comfortable and hence removed my socks too. We should appreciate the designer as he has managed to have all these stuffs to be packed within a very small place. I found the Flat Panel Display that is hanging from the roof for every lane to display the score table to be very small and it did not graphically depict various shots that could give maximum points at that scenario of play. A big screen & more animations could surely boost the appearance. The cost for bowling varies between Weekends and Weekdays. The cost is comparatively less on weekdays :-) So, we need to finish off our work quickly !

Interestingly, i could feel the difference between the 'Down Under Fun' bowling in Chennai(Marshalls Road) and 'amoeba' bowling in Bangalore(Church Street) as i had visited it few times earlier. In fact, I blogged about Amoeba Bowling in Bangalore sometime ago. I found the amoeba bowling(Bangalore) to be well organized, spacious and well equipped with more lanes. There were other set of games too in a separate floor on top of the bowling floor(Amoeba bowling, Bangalore). Anyhow, comparing between Chennai and Bangalore bowling spots is a point to be thought of as lifestyle is slightly different for the majority of the people :-)

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