Sunday, August 23, 2009


I got 'Secrets of Power Negotiating' by Roger Dawson. It is simply 'Brilliant'. The negotation tactics are explained with simple examples from our daily life incidents.

He not only teaches tactics like Nibbling, Principle of Higher authority, Good guy Bad guy, Relecutant buyer, Flinching , Trade-off, Withdrawn Offer, Walk away trick & many others, He also teaches the counter tactics for those tricks.

He emphasises the need for 3 stages in negotiation (Get expectations,Get information & Agreement) and the advantage of being the person writing the contract.

The need for always being a Relectunt buyer following a Flinching policy with the Walk Away mindset and cutting short the negotiation range with the first question to the counterpart is very true.

The PuppyDog, Decoit and Red Herring principle made me laugh and are very practical.

He explains the various types of power that a person can have and states the necessity to identify the power that controls us and being prepared for it during negotiation. He also tells the kind of powers that can make a person very important in the negotiation.

He reinstates the need for collecting more info about the counterpart before negotiation and also during the negotiation with Open Ended questions. The use of time pressure tactic is really interesting.

His analysis of 4 personalities like pragmatic, extravert, amiable & analytical is very excellent and deserves credit. He conveys that it is necessary to know the personalities in first few minutes of the negotiation and use statements / decisions according to that personality to arrive at our favourable agreement.

His ability to give examples from negotiation between countries, teacher & student, owner & tenant, shopkeeper & customer, hotel management & customer, employee & employer, door-seller & resident and among the family members makes him a very good negotiator at all levels.

It is a very practical & useful book for everyone !

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