Sunday, September 6, 2009

Do Ostriches bury their heads in the sand ?

The above painting was done by me using black sketch, paint & chart. It also involved initial pencil sketch before proceeding with the brush. If you want any specific ostrich painting, send me the photo, i would be able to draw it and send it to you :-)

Since i have been talking about my Ostrich painting, i would like to share some interesting fact that i came across about the famous myth that during fear, Ostrich would bury its heads in sand thinking that it would hide its whole body. It does this to mis-direct the enemy so that its enemy might think that to be a bush . Hahah !! It seems that the male ostritch puts the eggs in shallow nests in sand and move it around to protect it and this might be a reason for a distant viewer to think that the Ostrich is burying its heads as soon as it saw him :-) Refer to

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