Saturday, September 26, 2009

Playing Chess

I renewed my interest in Chess by starting with a match in our corporate competition. I played after a very loooooooong gap. I did not make it up, but that game taught me lot of lessons -
- Preparation is a must for any kind of activity. Whether it is a game/discussion/exam.
- Practise is a must. The more you practise, the more comfortable you become with different scenarios.
- Time consiousness should be there for any kind of activity undertaken.
- Never under estimate your opponent even if you are leading till the last minute. I lost this match in the final 1.5 minute though i was leading in removing major opponent pieces. Keep your eyes wide open till you accomplish your job.

The game served as an eye opener for me and it helped me a lot to take on the corporate internal exams. But how did it help me ? I started playing online chess in and . I played Short (1 minute / 5 minute / 15 minute) and Long games(30 minutes). The time and the live challenge from unknown person from different parts of the world helped me to sharpen my skills not only in playing but also on any activity that i take. Whenever i take a new activity , i look at the time and try to wrap up quickly. This has increased my efficiency and my concentration within a particular interval of time.

Long back, i took the exam without much preparation/practise and so i was unable to clear the corporate exams. I applied this lesson from the Corporate chess defeat to Corporate Exams. I practised by executing the examples and dumps. My preparation started 2 weeks ahead and daily i fed my mind with some tiny infos so that it is able to digest and remember clearly. I kept that exam as my main target in my mind for the 3 days of holiday and I was able to clear it.

By being in the correct place of the board gives you the edge over the opponent. The same thing applies to life. By being able to get into a situation/position at the right time, it gives a definite improvement in life.

Having plan and Plan-B for every activity in life is very important just as it is for every move that is made in the game. Nowadays, i am able to interpret the emotions/actions of the persons in workplace and take action to make it under my control. It is just the beginning.

I remember that during school days i outnumbered my classmates in Studies,Chess,Art & cycling. Now, i understand that the real reason for that could be Chess which brought in more planning & time consciousness.

Thanks to Chess !! :-)

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