Sunday, May 30, 2010

Cards game - The real time-pass !

Recently, we have started playing cards after a very very long time. It is fun playing with friends/family members as there would be lot of comments flying during various phases of the games. Card games deserve appreciation as they appear in various formats for various generations of people. The interesting part is that it provides a range of flavours that require less attention to those that require great attention. So, we can choose the type of game based on the mood of the people.

1. Rummy card game - One should have form a sequence of 4 cards, 2 dummy collection (Requires more effective thinking and monitoring of the game)
2. A's card game - The player with the lowest score wins. The A's card holder starts the play and the player who plays the big card starts the play for the consecutive games . I remember nightmares of A's rounds on certain ocassions :-)
3. Sevens card game - The one with the least total value / empty hands wins the game. The interesting part is sometimes you may think that the card of value 1 (A) is the smallest possible, but the opponent might have jokers (Total value of zero) . A real good game !!
4. Poker without money (2 card) - Here, instead of real money, we categorize the J/Q/K/A/Joker as virtual money of Rs 5/10/15/20/30 respectively.
5. Bluff card game - The one who empties his hands wins the game. The players play by stating (truth / bluff) of such set of cards and others can either challenge or continue to place few cards by stating either the truth/bluff. It is very funny game :-)

The above listed games are those most commonly played games in India. In my childhood days, we have played the Rummy , A's , Monkey, Bluff card games. Recently, i have started to play the 'sevens cards game' and 'poker game without money'.

The cost of normal playing cards is around Rs 10 to 20 and that of plastic cards is from Rs 50 to 100. Plastic cards are preferred for different shuffling tricks rather than the normal playing cards !

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