Sunday, May 2, 2010

A weird thought - Fish and Chicken

I eat non-veg whenever i get a chance to eat it :-) Infact, i am planning to get some (while i go to the shop, this 'some' will become a substantial quantity ;-) ) non-veg tomorrow. Chicken is my favorite. I like kabab very much, yummy.... :-) In case of biryani, Hyderabadi chicken briyani is my favorite as it would be spicy & delicious. I like mutton too, but since Mutton has more fat content, i rarely have mutton related food stuffs.

I recently came across some discussions about - 'Whether dolphin is a gay shark ? ' heheh :-)
Not sure of the extent of truth in it. But, that tossed up few interesting thoughts in my mind as below -
1. Well, do restaurants really bother to know whether the fish that they sell is a gay fish ?
2. What kind of bad/good effects would a gay fish cause to a person ?
3. And most importantly, is the percentage of gay fish growing up/down ?
4. Does any scientific committee perform any research on this ?

I did not get clear answers, but you can share your thoughts . And most importantly, lemme know if you have you ever checked with the hotel manager to confirm if the fish is gay ? hehehe :-) :-)

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