Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Traffic in Bangalore

I have to travel nearly 15 kms to office from my house :-( Thats really energy sapping. The real trouble is because of the traffic diversions due to new flyovers being constructed in most of the places. But, the traffic-jam can be avoided if people follow the rules properly. Many times , people try to go in the opposite direction if there is no vehicle arriving from the other end to reach near the traffic signal. I find that in some places, people drive their motorbikes over the platforms to go ahead of others waiting for the 'green-signal' :-( It is too bad that sometimes people go past 'red-signal' if the traffic police is not around . This happens very frequently during rainy season and it is more difficult to travel on those days.

It was not different today. My travelling time during morning was 1 hour and 30 minutes. In the evening also, it was almost 1 hour and 45 minutes. The main reason behind this chaos is the failure of people to follow proper traffic rules. Though there are cameras at main traffic signals apart from traffic police, it does not seem to solve the problem. It is high time that some device should be made that forces people to follow traffic rules.

While pondering over this, few of the below ideas popped up in my mind
1. Signal Stopper - A traffic light signal should always broadcast its current state as either Red or Yellow or Green. The vehicle should receive it and tear down the speed/acceleration accordingly. So, if it receives red, it should calculate the distance to the signal, the distance to the near by vehicles and slow down / stop the vehicle. In this manner, the traffic rules could be strictly followed(forced) for normal vehicles to avoid lot of chaos to make travelling a very happy journey :-)

2. Laser Ray Gate - This idea may sound funny, but if the people are tough, then rules can be equivalently tough :-) To avoid a person to drive in the opposite side of the road(against traffic rules) to reach the signal quickly, one-way laser rays based gates can be flashed across the other side of the road. One-way laser rays based gates allow traffic to flow in one direction, if it finds traffic in opposite direction, it will slowly lock the vehicle.

Hope that the traffic/commutation situation does not go so bad that such tough ideas come into place !

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